Wednesday, January 19, 2011

《通靈感應》 面對死亡更坦然

《通靈感應》的英文片名,讓我想起N年前在電影節看的加拿大導演Atom Egoyan 的 The Sweet Hereafter(《莫失莫忘》),兩部電影都從災難過後探討人如何走出死亡的陰影,哀而不傷。《通靈感應》由已年過八十的奇連依士活執導,近年他的電影愈拍愈有火,前作《擊情》和《驅。逐》中他已觸及死亡議題,今次這部《通靈感應》,他開宗明義大談死亡,明顯收起了之前的火氣,暴烈的麻辣鍋變成了溫潤的老火湯。



(to be published in Ming Pao weekly 2011.1.22)


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I was very scared of death when I was a young boy, just about the same age of the boy in the movie. I still do sometimes. I did a nightmare, about death. Everything is yellow in the dream, which is different from that in the movie. Anyway, there is nothing horrible in it as I could remember. But after that night, I start to think about death. What is it? what is going on after life? What about me? Would I still able to feel anything? If I could, why I don't feel anything about my previous life? I'm not sure if death make me scare, or just all these questions. I could hardly think too much about death from then on.

This movie and this article, make me feel quite releasing. Just as its title, "面對死亡更坦然". At least for this moment, after so much thinking of death, I'm not scared. Thank you.